Certificates of quality, supplied by the manufacturer of the materials may be furnished in lieu of actual performance of such testing by the contractor. The certificate shall include the name of the contractor, the contract number, the name of the manufacturer or supplier, the NSN, the item identification, the name of the component/material, the lot number, the lot size, the sample size, the date of testing, the test method, individual test results, and the specification requirements. A certificate of compliance shall be acceptable in lieu of a certificate of quality, provided the manufacturer can establish that adequate controls were applied to assure compliance with the specification requirements.
The washcloths shall be free from any holes, tears or cuts, acids, chemicals, detergents, or any other ingredient that shall impair the bonding, serviceability, or use. The washcloths shall not contain any spot of oil or grease, fiber clump, insect, smudge, dirt, sharp object, bonding material strike-through, concealed mass of the bonding material, or spot or stain resulting from excess bonding material.
One thousand washcloths shall be furnished clean and dry. The washcloths shall be individually folded into a square or may be flat-packaged. The washcloths shall be neatly stacked, and stacks of fifty or one hundred washcloths shall be wrapped or bagged in polyethylene. The closure of the bag or wrap shall be secured by heat sealing or by other suitable means. The bag shall have a minimum 1/8 inch diameter hole at one corner of the bag.
Workmanship. The disposable washcloth shall be free from defects which detract from its appearance or impair its serviceability.
Unit. Package (PG). One package containing one thousand washcloths, as specified, constitutes one unit. Each washcloth shall be individually folded or flat-packed.
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